Creating a more culturally-inclusive online experience.
A free Chrome extension that shields you from insensitive language, while recommending more suitable alternatives.
How It Works

1. Install the browser extension.

2. Browse your Social Media as usual.

3. Watch insensitive words be magically transformed.

4. Get educated on more suitable alternatives.
Why We Exist
Social Media has a strong influence on actions in the real world.
On March 16, 2020 the term “China Virus” was used on Social Media for the first time. Since then, it’s been reported that from 2019 to 2020, hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased 150% and continue to rise.Further, studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between anti-Asian sentiment when using racist hashtags like #Chinesevirus vs. neutral hashtags like #COVID-19.To see how these trends are affecting the world, we talked to Social Media users of all levels of engagement and found that:
100% of respondents have observed hateful speech within comments and post captions across Social Media platforms.
84.2% of respondents have felt hurt, angry, attacked, or sad by a post or comment on Social Media.
86.4% of people think something needs to be done to remove bias, hateful speech, inappropriate words, and more from Social Media.Our goal is to alleviate the trauma and exhaustion caused by insensitive language, and bring awareness to more inclusive and appropriate language.
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Thank you!
We can't wait for you to experience a better, more comforting Social Media experience.